Generic Pharmacy

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Generic Pharmacy
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I ordered Nembutal online with Generic Pharmacy about two weeks ago. My package was to be delivered to Thailand. I was advised that the total amount for my order was 500USD. Which I paid using bitcoins. Two days later I received an email from express logistics allegedly based in the US (I only have a WhatsApp number for them which +166617246599) asking me to pay an additional 280 USD as my package was upheld up in Chicago Airport. They said that money would be for two diplomatic stamps in order for my package to continue on its intended route and not to be unveiled by the customs department at the airport. The courier assured me in writing that this would be the last payment. However two days later I received another from the courier company was upheld at Dublin Airport in Airport. This time they were asking for the sum of 2400 USD (!!), in order to pay an import and license permit. I refused categorically to do so. Next I know, an individual claiming to work for the Irish customs department called me on WhatsApp to say they would give one hour to pay or else they would report me to the Thai Embassy and to Interpol. I found very bizarre that a person who allegedly works for the Irish customs department would be so openly corrupted. Next I realized that the number they called me from on WhatsApp was a number registered in the UK and not in Ireland. I know the above mentioned pharmacy received a warning letter from the FDA on August 31st 2020. Please note that I am an Exit International member (order #21949 of Nov 20th 2022). Thank you for your time and attention.
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