Vida Termino

Attention! Reported as Scammer

Scam Name
Vida Termino
Scam Website
Scam Email(s)
Scam Social Media Profile
Scam Phone Number
+1 (804) 592 6677
Additional details*
Says all in for $580, then demands $650 when it comes to shipping.
To suggest changes or additions to this listing or if you think this listing does not belong here, please contact us.


  1. Anonymous says:

    My email exchange with this scammer:

    On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 2:36 AM, Nembutal Online wrote:


    Thank you for contacting us regarding Nembutal. We believe that it is
    a fundamental human right for every adult of sound mind, to be able to
    plan for the end of their life in a way that is reliable, peaceful &
    at a time of their choosing.

    At the moment, we have Nembutal in the Powder, Injection and Oral
    forms and you can see it on our website. Since you are looking for a
    peaceful exit,below are the lethal doses:

    Nembutal Powder 12 grams…………………….. $480
    Nembutal Powder 15grams……………………….$600
    Nembutal Oral Solution 2 x 100mL ……………. $580
    Nembutal Solution(intravenous)……………….. $580
    Nembutal Oral Solution 250ml…………………..$650
    Nembutal Pills (25pills 100mg )………………..$625

    Here is a small difference between them.

    The powder is very bitter and you might throw up thus rendering the
    process ineffective.

    Through the vein works fast and you might pass out before
    administering. With this you need someone to administer it to you.

    Oral solution:
    The oral solution is the best, it takes 20-35 minutes tops and it is
    very pure. It also has a long shelf-life of 32 months. We always
    recommend you take the Oral solution. The concentration is 60mg/mL thus 6grams of Nembutal per 100mL bottle. 2 bottles which contains 12grams of Nembutal is the lethal dose

    This is not an easy decision for you or for the loved ones you left
    behind so, we will like to confirm you are ready.

    Tell us your reason for suicide if it is due to illness and what kind ?
    Does anyone else know about your situation and your decision ?
    How soon are you looking to Exit ?
    Your weight ?
    Your Age ?
    Your choice between the powder, oral and injection?

    Thank and awaiting your reply.

    Jonathan Brown.


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 03:51:59 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    Tell us your reason for suicide if it is due to illness and what kind ? Cancer
    Does anyone else know about your situation and your decision ? Yes
    How soon are you looking to Exit ? Before the end of next month
    Your weight ?
    Your Age ?
    Your choice between the powder, oral and injection? Oral


    On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 10:53 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    We recommend you to take the Nembutal Oral Solution 2 x 100mL cost you $580 with shipping and delivery fee all inclusive.

    The Nembutal shelf life is 32 months

    Delivery will take 3-5 days for delivery to be made .

    All we need from you to proceed are the following info.

    Delivery address:
    Postal/zip Code
    Mobile Number:
    Order: 2 x 100mL $580 usd

    We receive payments through bitcoin

    As soon as we confirm this information from you, we will send you our payment address which you will use to get payments over to us through bitcoin and as soon as we confirm payments from you,.

    We shall get your parcel registered at the courier and a tracking number will be send over to you.



    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 04:35:50 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    I have no issue with paying but I a bit concerned that this maybe a scam.


    On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 11:37 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    Well send me your delivery details I will take a picture and send to you with your name written on a piece of paper


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 05:13:49 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    How about this I pay for 1 bottle and once I get/see the tracking number then I’ll order the second one.


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 2:07 AM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    You will pay for once bottle $300 that’s a fair deal


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:01:46 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    Names: hidden
    Delivery address: hidden
    Postal/zip Code: hidden
    Mobile Number: hidden
    Order: 1 x 100mL $300 usd


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 8:03 AM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    Kindly find below the our bitcoin Wallet as requested

    Bitcoin wallet: 1JSR5zoGbnttqCUvk845n8b7vhYA8wtv2C
    Amount : $300 usd

    Please when you done do take a screenshot and send it over for payment confirmation



    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:18:27 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    And those 2 bottles will be all I need?


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 12:22 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    Are you making the payments today ??


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 18:26:08 +0100 c2e wrote —-



    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 3:59 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    Hello sir ,

    I opted for you to pay just part we ship but my boss just came in and refuse saying all the people who paid half after receiving the product never contacted back cause the use it and that was all . So he insisted you pay all now before shipping .

    I had to take pictures so you could confirm the legitimacy of the product in stock now .

    Kindly find attached photos to this email


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 21:58:36 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    I understand that but what does it matter if I pay for one or 5 that’s my choice. All that should matter is you getting paid so again as soon as I get shipping info that’s when I pay for another one if I didn’t want to go down this road I wouldn’t have contacted you.


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 5:01 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    You don’t have any problem, I just showed you prof of product and that’s it . As soon as we receive the balance we shall process the delivery and a tracking number emailed to you. The chairman can’t accept we ship before you sending the balance


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:05:19 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    And that’s not what we agreed on you should have know your policy


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 5:07 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    I have being doing this can I call you ??


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:23:38 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    So what are we doing?


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 5:24 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    I already told you what you can do we sort this out now to proceed .


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:25:39 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    So that means your sending my money back


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 5:26 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    Okay our refunds policy takes 3 working days so you wait till Monday


    —- On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 22:29:35 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    Why would it take 3 days if I just send you my Bitcoin address and you send me Bitcoin like I did for you and how would you send me a refund if you don’t have my Bitcoin info?


    On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 5:31 PM, Nembutal Online wrote:

    When the reaches I will ask of your wallet to send the refund thanks


    —- On Fri, 19 Mar 2021 22:11:00 +0100 c2e wrote —-

    I had a thought about this which I think would satisfy both parties how about Bitcoin escrow that way you would see the rest of the money and I would know that if you don’t send the product you don’t get paid and if you do send the product the money is released to you and it’s held by a third party.

    We need to know your final decision today

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did you receive the refund?

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